Atkinson / / Coat of Arms, Family Crest and Atkinson / / Family History

Atkinson / / Family History

The family history of the ancient name Atkinson was found in the archives. Meaning 'the son of Adam', Atkinson is a baptismal name of great antiquity taken from the Bible. Variants include Adkin, Adkins, Adkinson, Atkin, Atkins, Atkyns, Adkisson, Aiken, Aitken, Aitkin and Aitkins. This name is of Anglo-Saxon descent spreading to the Celtic countries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales in early times and is found in many mediaeval manuscripts throughout these countries. Examples of such are a Willemus Adkynson and a Edmund Adkynson, who were recorded in the 'Poll Tax' of the West Riding of Yorkshire, England, in the year 1379. A Geoffrey Adekyn was recorded in the 'History of Norfolk' in the reign of Richard II. A James Aitkine in Darnchester, Scotland, took an oath in the year 1685. A William Deevy and Elizabeth Adkins were married in Saint Dionis Backchurch, London, in the year 1680. In Ireland families of the name became established during the seventeenth century, especially in County Cork where the family, who had come from Somerset, were prominent in the commercial life of the city.The Atkinson family crest (or coat of arms) came into existence many centuries ago. The process of creating these coats of arms began as early as the eleventh century although a form of Proto-Heraldry may have existed in some countries prior to this, including Ireland. The new more formalized art of Heraldry made it possible for families and even individual family members to have their very own family crest, coat of arms, including Atkinson descendants.

Meaning of Symbols & Colors on the Atkinson / / Coat of Arms

Ermine Associated with the robes and crowns of Royal and Noble Personages
Gules/Red 'The Martyr's colour', signifies Military Fortitude and Magnanimity.
Vert/Green Signifies Hope, Joy and sometimes, Loyalty in Love
The Fess Denotes a Military Belt or Girdle of Honour
Fleur de Lis Representing Purity and Light. Is also the floral symbol of France

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